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KING Art Games is happy to reveal  more details about the newly introduced USONIA Faction coming to the Iron Harvest 1920+ world with the upcoming “Operation Eagle” Add on. On May 27th, players will be able to fight for supremacy with giant mechs on the ground and deadly Zeppelin-like squadrons in the skies. The new “Operation Eagle” faction feature trailer reveals insights into the roster, background, and maybe even secret motivations of Usonia’s entrance into the 1920+ battlefields.

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The American Union of Usonia:

Usonia stayed out of the Great War, strengthening their industry, professionalizing their army and building a powerful air-force. America’s past conflicts have been local, but the European catastrophe that was World War I paved the way for Usonia to play a bigger role on the world stage. The question is: Will they be saviors or conquerors?